
    [Translate to English:] Jahresbeste Auszubildende - Kabelfertigungsmechaniker 2013

    The Chamber of Industry and Commerce Mittlerer Niederrhein invited all the training graduates from the 2012/2013 winter examinations and the 2013 summer examinations, who had received a final mark of "one", to the Festhalle Viersen.

    Business Club Maas Rhein visits SAB!

    [Translate to English:] Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb 2012

    Every year, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce awards the best trainees at the Mittlerer Niederrhein. Since 2006, companies that have made a significant contribution towards supporting the success of these trainees have also received an award.

    [Translate to English:] Jahresbeste Auszubildende - Kabelfertigungsmechaniker 2012

    The awards ceremony for the year's best trainees was once again held at the Viersener Festhalle. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce Mittlerer Niederrhein invited all the top candidates as well as representatives from the training centres and the vocational schools to the awards ceremony on 20 November.

    Peter Bröckskes, Managing Director of SAB Bröckskes, announced that the new owner of the SAB Group is his daughter Sabine. Peter Bröckskes will remain the Managing Director and Sabine Bröckskes will remain the Technical Manager.

    [Translate to English:] Bundesbester Auszubildender - Kabelfertigungsmechaniker 2010

    The best are from Süchteln-Vorst! Viersen-Süchteln - In 2010, the country's best trainee for cable production mechanics, based on the job description of a junior cable worker, once again came from the Süchteln company SAB Bröckskes GmbH & Co. KG for the third time in a row.

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

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+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30