
    Higher standard regarding fire protection in rail vehicles

    [Translate to English:] UL zertifizierte Kabelkonfektion

    From the manufacturing of the cable to the UL approved cable harness

    [Translate to English:] MTE mit Miniaturstecker

    The main characteristics of miniature mineral insulated thermocouples are quick response time as well as the robust construction.

    [Translate to English:] Medical-Grade Leitung

    Optimum positioning for intraoral camera systems through biocompatible and highly flexible USB 3.0 cables. For high-resolution camera systems in the medical area, the manufacturer and system cable specialist SAB Bröckskes offers high quality cables, which meet the high requirements standards in medical technology.

    Cable system manufacturer and cable specialist SAB Bröckskes offers high-quality cable solutions with high material diversity as a plug & play solution for system equipment, even for prototypes and small series.

    [Translate to English:] Kälteflexibles PVC

    A property of PVC is that it becomes hard and brittle in the cold.

    [Translate to English:] Prototypenbau Medizintechnik

    Especially for the cable equipment of prototypes and small batch series, SAB Bröckskes, the specialist in cable production offers highest support.

    [Translate to English:] SABmed biokompatibles Medizinkabel

    Bio compatible medical cables with UL approval and "non blooming" effect

    [Translate to English:] Spezialkabel Bahntechnik

    Railway Cables and Wires

    The requirements on cables for industrial applications are extremely high. They must be resistant against rough environmental conditions as for example high temperatures, pollution with oil and grease, aggressive chemicals or humidity as well as against strong mechanical stress as for example in cable chains or robot applications.

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30